Mrs. Jeena Valentine » Flexible Seating

Flexible Seating

I am absolutely thrilled your child is joining our family of students this year, and I can't wait to meet you, as well!

When you visit our space on
Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 24, you will notice the physical layout of our room looks somewhat different from a traditional classroom. This is because we are implementing a research-based concept for classroom design called flexible seating

Flexible seating is a concept rooted in educational research that encourages students to choose their type of seating based on their learning preferences. For example, some students prefer to stand while learning, so we have
a standing table (with chairs available if they want to periodically sit down). Some students prefer to sit on the floor or on their knees, so we have 2 low tables with pillows for students to sit around. Some students prefer a traditional table, so we have 1 of these that will provide 5 traditional seats. We also have yoga balls, lap desks, and a variety of other flexible seating choices available throughout the room.

All together, Room
200 has over 30 different seating options available for the students. Whether you child prefers to sit in a traditional seat or explore a non-traditional posture, our classroom is designed to increase communication, learning and creativity. The choice and freedom is theirs as long as they're exercising a responsible choice that helps them be academically successful. 


We will be “trying out” these options during the first couple of weeks of school to help your child find the right fit.  I hope to have the kiddos make a daily choice of their seating arrangement.  That way I can have some idea of “who sat where” in case we need to contact trace.  Each student will have a home basethat will be used for test taking, assessments, and other classroom activities that need a more traditional seating arrangement.  


Because of this unique seating situation, students do not have desks to store their school supplies. Room 200 has that covered! Our students will each have a colorful bin that will hold their pencil box, file folders, and dry erase board. These bins will travel with them in the room.  Books for math and close reading will be kept on shelves throughout the room.  (I’m kind of excited not to have messy desks this year!)


Flexible seating in Room 200 will allow our students the freedom to foster their creativity, work in groups, become mindful of their own learning behaviors and needs, and give them a feeling of ownership and peace while in the academic setting.  Feel free to contact me anytime with questions, concerns, or possible donations for the room.  I can’t wait to get started!