Flexible Instruction Day Information
In the event of a Flexible Instruction Day, all assignments will be posted on your specific Google Classroom page.
If you have any questions about assignments or need assistance, click the link below to join my Microsoft Teams Meeting. I’ll be available to help resolve any issues or answer your questions.
Week of 1/20/2025 Potential FID Days because of cold weather advisories/watches/warnings- If a FID Day is called due to cold weather this week, these are the links to join my class throughout the day. If the weather cooperates and we are in school, you can disregard these links.
Tuesday, 1/21/2025 Link- Join My Microsoft Teams Meeting
Wednesday, 1/22/2025 Link- Join My Microsoft Teams Meeting
Homeroom Reminder:
If you are in my Homeroom Period, don’t forget to log in to Google Classroom and complete the attendance Google Form before 9:45 AM.
2024-2025 School Year Information
Welcome to my home page! All information about classes and resources for classes will be posted on Google Classroom this year. It is important that you log in to my Google Classroom as soon as you can, as all assignments and news will be posted there and NOT on this web page. This web page is simply a way to connect you to my Google Classroom. If there are major changes that I can't communicate to you all via Google Classroom, you will see those updates here on this page. Otherwise, please expect to see all information about class and resources for class on Google Classroom.
Please see the classroom codes below to join the correct Google Classroom that you are a part of.
All Class Resources and Information-
Google Classroom Class Codes
Period 1: American Government & Economics- hd6t4oi
Period 2: AP European History- m7fwj7l
Period 3: American Government & Economics- umd4odx
Period 4: AP European History- rb6dw5b
Period 5: Lunch
Period 6: Academic Reinforcement- xk7letl
Period 7: Preparation Period
Period 8: American Government & Economics- xvqppkg
Period 9: American Government & Economics- m5bcqin
This is going to be an awesome year if you all come ready to learn! I'm excited to see you all once again in class! I hope everyone comes to class with a positive attitude ready to learn!