Let's Connect!
I will teach you in a room
I will teach you in a house
I will teach you with my mouse
I will teach you here or there
I will teach you because I care
We all want to keep our students safe, & we will get through this together!
Stay Connected Via:
~Email - [email protected]
~Class DOJO: https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=CZ3UXB9
- This will be how I communicate with you quickly. Please click on the link above to access your child's code.
~My Google Classroom - www.classroom.google.com
NEW!!! Class Code: xt4ko25 *Updated 8/27
*If you have previously signed in to my Google Classroom, you will need to join with the code listed above. Thank you!
- You MUST log in to my Google Classroom with a "student account". This is your child's district email (his/her user ID followed by @whsd.org) and password (+Pw...). The password is case sensitive and must include "+Pw". For example: [email protected] Password: +PwK12345
- If you're having difficulty accessing my Google Classroom, you may want to look at this tutorial: https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6072460?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en