Welcome to WHES PE!
Thank you for taking time to visit my webpage! I am looking forward to continuing to educate your child virtually. I know this is different, but we can work through it together. Please continue to check back to my site and the Google Classrooms for updated information and changes.
Please reach out to me via email me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Your child should join me and their class during their scheduled specials time during their PE week. The specials schedule will be as follows:
Monday-Thursday | Friday |
4th Grade 9:00-9:45 | 4th Grade 8:50-9:20 |
2nd Grade 9:45-10:30 | 2nd Grade 9:20-9:50 |
3rd Grade 10:35-11:20 | 3rd Grade 9:50-10:20 |
1st Grade 11:50-12:35 | Kindergarten 10:20-10:50 |
Kindergarten 12:35-1:20 | 5th Grade 10:50-11:20 |
6th Grade 1:20-2:05 | 1st Grade 11:50-12:20 |
5th Grade 2:05-2:50 | 6th Grade 12:20-12:50 |
Grades 4-6 will be a weekly rotation this year (Weeks A-D). K-3 will be on a daily rotation Monday-Thursday and Friday will be its own rotation (Days A-E). Please see your classroom teacher for a specials calendar to be sent out each month.
For the safety and privacy of virtual learning, I will post any zoom conference codes, numbers, and passwords in each of my Google Classrooms when needed. Each grade level will have a separate code and number. Please be patient if we go back to virtual learning at any point this school year. I will be getting the students situated in the classroom/outside and may be a few minutes behind in bringing you into your class virtually. Make sure your child joins the correct classroom based on grade level homeroom teachers in order to access the zoom sessions.
Please join my Google Classroom with your child's school Google account. Joining the PE Google Classroom will allow you to complete classwork, turn in remote/virtual day assignments, and to communicate with me directly. If you do not know how to log into Google classrooms, select the Google Classroom Directions tab directly below. Please click the tab labeled Google Classroom Codes right below the directions, find your child's homeroom teacher, and select the class code associated with their homeroom. Please remember that you can only log into my Google Classrooms using your school credentials!
Further instructions will be listed on in the Google Classrooms when you have PE.
Google Classroom Directions
Google Classroom Codes
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Cowder - l5z5e36
Reininger - ghudd4f
Shifflett - l6mttwk
Tokarsky - slojmkg
5th Grade
Hastings - cluvhti
Mehall - yo2dlcx
Mikesic - wwzhdhx
Zipf - 7fic6fb
6th Grade
PE 6.3 - Gray (A Week) - shyqawc
PE 6.2 - Blue (B Week) - ofzsqg7
PE 6.1 - Red (C Week) - f3jtnlm
PE 6.4 - Green (D Week) - gz5ik5p
During the PE week rotation, your child will be responsible for the content and assignments taught during the face-to-face instruction sessions (in the classroom or zoom). Additionally, I will post information and assignments online in the PE Google Classroom to be completed by a given due date. Assignments will be accepted in-person or online.
We will continue to use the IHT Spirit System Fitness watches in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade curriculum! This is an exciting step in the right direction for all students, parents, and staff to build lifelong fitness and accountability! Here is the link to their website if you would like to take a look at the watches - https://ihtusa.com/.
Take time to scroll through my page with the useful links and pages that give valuable information to everyone involved.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong!