Holly Berkebile » Welcome!


Hello! My name is Holly Berkebile. I am the Emotional Support Teacher for Grades 7-12. My contact information is through e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 814-255-8795.


Master’s of Special Education


Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Graduated: August 2018


Bachelor’s Degree

Elementary Education K – 6

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Graduated: December 2008



Autism Spectrum Disorder Endorsement

Applied Behavior Analysis

 Instructional II

Grades 4-8 (All subjects 4-6, Mathematics 7-8)

 Grades 4-8 (All subjects 4-6, Science 7-8)


After school hours, or on weekends, anyone having concerns for their well-being or the well-being of another individual should contact the Mobile Crisis hotline at 1-877-268-9463. The number is toll-free and there is someone available 24 hours a day to take your call. For all other emergency situations please dial 911.


As always, if the school staff/school feels that the student is in danger of harm or of harming someone else, appropriate reports will be made as required by law.