Student Attendance and Weapon Detection Screening Notification

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we begin a new school year, I wanted to take a moment to stress the importance of daily attendance and remind parents about the random weapon detection screenings. 

Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic success. Studies consistently show that students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve higher grades, develop better social skills, and have a stronger sense of belonging. Each day your child is present, they can engage with teachers, participate in class discussions, and benefit from a structured learning environment.  Absences, even for a short period, can disrupt your child's learning and make it harder for them to keep up with their peers. Every school day counts and each missed day is a missed opportunity for learning and growth. We encourage you to make daily attendance a priority, as it is a key factor in your child's educational success.

In our ongoing effort to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, we will be continuing the random weapon screenings starting on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at the Jr.-Sr. High School. We will notify elementary school parents when we restart this program at the elementary school.  This measure is not in response to any specific threat but is part of our proactive approach to maintaining the safety and well-being of all students and staff.  These screenings will be conducted randomly and will involve the use of the OpenGate weapons detection equipment to check for prohibited items. Our goal is to create a safe atmosphere where students can focus on their education.  Please make sure your child(ren) knows they cannot bring anything to school that could be considered a weapon.

We believe that a strong partnership between the school and parents is essential for the success of our students. We ask for your support in encouraging regular attendance and in discussing the importance of school safety measures with your child. Together, we can create a positive and secure learning environment for all.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.  We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a successful school year.


Thomas R. Mitchell